Classes and workshops in all media are held for adults, also after-school and Saturday morning classes for children. The children’s classes finish each year with a Christmas party to which parents are also invited. Prizes and awards are given out and the children’s artworks are put on display.
Meetings are held on the first Wednesday evening of each month (except January) at which visiting, well-known artists give demonstrations. Members and visitors are welcome to these meetings, with the entry fee being $5 for members and $7 for visitors. These meetings are held at Castle Glen Community Centre, 157 Ridgecrop Drive, Castle Hill (at the rear of the carpark at Knightsbridge shopping centre). See location map below for details.
Our major exhibition each year is the Orange Blossom Festival Annual Art Awards, held in September. We also have an exhibition mid-year and a Christmas display of members’ works. We have some very talented artists belonging to our society. Please take some time to browse through our members’ gallery.
Our society is a member of The Combined Art Societies of Sydney Inc.(CASS). Details of their activities can be found on their website at
We are located at CASTLE GLEN COMMUNITY CENTRE, 157 Ridgecrop Drive, Castle Hill where classes, painting groups, the portrait group and our monthly demonstration evenings are held.